For over 19 years, Triad Bratislava has thrived as an independent agency in Slovakia, consistently ranking in the top three and often being named Agency of the Year. However, as their team grew to over 50 people, they struggled with fragmented tools for managing operations. They found the perfect solution by implementing Allfred as their project management tool. Allfred centralized everything into one platform, streamlined operations, and significantly increased profitability and efficiency. Let’s dive into the key results Allfred brought to Triad Bratislava.

Client Introduction

  • Agency: Triad Bratislava
  • Team: 50 full-time employees 
  • Annual Revenue: 2 400 000€
  • Growth: 12% YoY
  • Key Success: 3x Agency of the Year

#1 Centralizing Fragmented Tools

Challenge: The agency faced inefficiencies with separate tools for different tasks. “We were struggling with the different fragmented tools. We had one solution for time tracking and another for task creation. In fact, it was email, not a solution,” explained Martin Pajerský, Team Leader & Account Director at Triad Bratislava.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred integrated all these functions into one cohesive project management tool. This centralized approach brought together time tracking, task creation, resource planning, and communication, providing a comprehensive view of the team’s capacity and project status.

“Instead of using different programs, we started using Allfred that brought it together into a nice suite where we can see what the resource planning looks like, what’s the team’s capacity.”

Juraj Stehlík, Senior Copywriter

Moreover, a lot of data is available for project managers and account directors so they can evaluate the project daily or weekly.

#2 Streamlining Communication and Resource Planning

Struggle: The agency faced challenges with communication overload and effective resource planning. “You would receive the brief via email, work on it in some other tool, and then use a different tool for reporting or time tracking,” explained Juraj Stehlík.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred centralized all task-related communication within the platform, reducing the need for numerous emails and ensuring clear and timely updates. The visibility into resource availability allowed team members to plan their work more effectively.

“The visibility that Allfred gives us is amazing. As a copywriter, I can see when my graphic designer will be available, so I can plan my day.”

Juraj Stehlík, Senior Copywriter
How Triad Advertising Streamlined Operations with Allfred

#3 Simplifying Budget Management

Struggle: Converting budgets into projects was a cumbersome process, often requiring multiple steps and tools. “One of the biggest struggles was when we wanted to create a project from a budget. We needed to manually copy and paste the data from the budget to the project. It was super painful,” shared the Account Director Martin Pajerský.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred simplified this process with a one-click solution, ensuring that the structure of the budget and the project are synchronized seamlessly. This integration and budgeting provides project managers with all the necessary data to evaluate projects daily or weekly, including tracked hours and expenses.

“Nowadays turning budgets into projects is super easy. It’s a one-click solution. The structure of the budget and the project are synchronized, and it works super well.”

Martin Pajerský, Team Leader & Account Director

#4 Improving Profitability Tracking

Challenge: The agency needed a reliable way to track the profitability of their projects and ensure financial goals were met. Additionally, they weren’t able to track hours linked to tasks, making it difficult to monitor budget spent on work and assess profitability.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred offers comprehensive profitability tracking, allowing the agency to monitor financial performance, identify issues, and make data-driven decisions. This project management tool also improved resource utilization by providing insights into billable and non-billable hours, and helped in tracking budget spent on work.

“We can check our profitability of our projects, and we can also check if we are meeting our financial goals. If there is any project exceeded, I can easily find where the problem is, take the data and go to clients to negotiate. One of the biggest results is better utilization of users, because I can see how billable and non-billable hours shifted towards the billable. So it’s super good for our financial flow.”

Martin Pajerský, Team Leader & Account Director
How Triad Advertising Streamlined Operations with Allfred

#5 Enhancing Financial Control

Challenge: The finance department struggled with managing incoming and outgoing invoices efficiently, leading to frequent losses and inaccuracies. Invoices from suppliers were always lost. The lack of a streamlined process meant the agency often lacked control over its finances.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred introduced an approval process for both incoming and outgoing invoices, giving the finance department complete control over the flow of financial documents. This automation ensures accurate data management and provides the finance team with all crucial information, helping to keep all finances under control.

“The finance department now has full control over the flow of financial documents. We can rely on Allfred that all the data are right and we have our agency under control. For me, Allfred is the watchdog of the creative agency, overseeing the agency if the CFO is on holiday. Allfred also helps non-financial people to see the financial impact of their work and of their projects.”

Michal Pobočík, CFO of Triad Bratislava

#6 Achieving Streamlined Operations

Allfred has significantly transformed Triad Bratislava’s operations, leading to a smooth and efficient workflow. The centralized control provided by Allfred has not only made managing the agency easier but also contributed to its financial success.

“Maybe you know the feeling as the owner of the agency when everything flows smoothly. This is exactly what I value about Allfred totally.”

Martin Woska, Chief Creative and Strategy Officer

Key Results

  • Simplified and centralized time tracking and project management
  • Seamless budget-to-project conversion with synchronized structures
  • Enhanced financial control with automated approval processes
  • Improved profitability tracking and project evaluation
  • Increased billable hours and better utilization of resources
  • Streamlined operations and communication within the agency
How Triad Advertising Streamlined Operations with Allfred