MullenLowe GGK, the first network agency in the Slovak market since 1991, has experienced significant growth and challenges in managing an expanding team, tasks, and finances. With Allfred, they found a comprehensive solution that revolutionized operations, improved financial transparency, and boosted overall efficiency.

Client Introduction

  • Agency: MullenLowe GGK
  • Team: 70 full-time employees 
  • Annual Revenue: 5 456 018€
  • Growth: 61% YoY
  • Key Success: 14 prestigious awards in 2 years

#1 Tackling Fragmented Data

Struggle: The agency faced chaos with fragmented data, using two different systems for finances and planning. “Our main challenge was the organization of work. There was kind of chaos, we were divided into two different systems where in one system we’ve been working with finances, and the other was for resource planning,” explained Patrik Stantien, Unit Account Director.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred integrated financial management, resource planning, and time tracking into a single platform. This consolidation connected projects and budgets with planned work, providing immediate updates on project status and budget spent based on tracked hours. This holistic approach eliminated confusion and inefficiency, ensuring a cohesive workflow and better data management.

“You don’t need anything else, just this one tool. You have your complete workflow in one place.”

Patrik Stantien, Unit Account Director
example of revolutionized operations at MullenLowe GGK

#2 Resolving Resource Planning Issues

Struggle: The agency lacked a structured way to plan schedules and track hours spent on projects, leading to inefficiencies. “We didn’t plan our schedule or our hours, and we didn’t know how many hours we spent on the projects. And Allfred helped us solve this problem,” noted Jakub Straka, Strategy Planner.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred introduced a comprehensive scheduling and time-tracking system. Employees now start their day with a clear view of their tasks and project schedules. This visibility allows for better planning and resource allocation, ensuring that every hour is accounted for and projects stay on track.

#3 Enhanced Task Management and Improved Communication Efficiency

Struggle: Inefficient task management and communication overload led to wasted time in daily meetings and status updates, with numerous emails and unclear task assignments.

Solution by Allfred: With Allfred, MullenLowe GGK streamlined task management and communication through a centralized system. The platform provides a clear communication thread within tasks, reducing the need for numerous emails and meetings. Tasks can be easily assigned, tracked, and updated, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Team members receive notifications only for tasks that involve them, reducing email clutter. The drag-and-drop feature for task scheduling enhances visibility and accountability, ensuring clear and timely updates.

“The first result I noticed by using Allfred, we save a lot of time. In the past, we spent a lot of time on daily meetings and internal status because we had to communicate more in person. Right now, everything is in order.”

Patrik Stantien, Unit Account Director

“My favorite feature in Allfred is that I can simply drag and drop my task from one day to another, and the account managers see it immediately that I didn’t do it the day I was supposed to. There is much clearer communication, less chunk of emails daily. I’m only getting notified about the tasks that include me and not the whole team.”

Jakub Straka, Strategy Planner

#4 Achieving Financial Transparency

Struggle: The agency struggled with tracking financial performance and linking invoices to projects manually.

Solution by Allfred: Allfred automated the documentation and linking of incoming and outgoing invoices to specific projects. This automation not only saved time but also increased the accuracy of financial tracking. The platform’s financial transparency allows the agency to closely monitor hours worked versus billed hours, enhancing overall financial management.

“The company is more transparent now. Everything is accurately measured on the financial side. Using Allfred, we can closely track the hours worked and assess the performance of our employees. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of individual positions by comparing billed hours to hours worked.”

Marek Pajtáš, CEO
MullenLowe GGK has revolutionized operations with Allfred, enhancing team management, financial transparency, and overall efficiency.

Key Results

  • Reduced internal meeting times significantly
  • Enhanced project and task management
  • Increased financial transparency
  • Automated invoice management
  • Improved communication and reduced email overload
  • Centralized workflow in one tool
  • Revolutionized operations

A New Era of Efficiency

Allfred has been a game-changer for MullenLowe GGK. The agency has experienced a significant shift forward, with revolutionized operations, better financial management, and improved overall efficiency. The integration of Allfred into their workflow has not only solved their immediate challenges but has also set the foundation for sustained growth and success.

“I have to say it’s a really big shift forward for the agency.”

Marek Pajtáš, CEO