Standing out from the crowd requires more than just a knack for SEO or a flair for social media. It demands a unique blend of skills, a dash of creativity, and a relentless drive for results. But what exactly sets a successful digital marketing consultant apart from the rest? Let’s peel back the curtain and delve into the top attributes that transform an ordinary marketer into a digital marketing maestro. Learn what a marketing consultant should be doing and what marketing expertise to require. 

What does a Marketing Consultant do? 

A marketing consultant is a professional who advises businesses on strategies to reach their marketing goals effectively. 

They use their expertise in the marketing field to guide businesses on how to improve their marketing efforts, attract more customers, and increase sales.

Marketing Consultant responsibilities

Actually, it’s never black and white. While a particular marketing consultant job description template might include, e.g., only social media marketing tasks, a marketing career path of a successful marketing consultant might involve more marketing skills and marketing needs on the go. 

Strategic planning and implementation

A marketing consultant is responsible for creating comprehensive company marketing efforts that align with a business’s goals. They outline the steps needed to achieve these goals and assist in implementing these strategies. This kind of marketing consulting might involve:

  1. Identifying the most effective marketing channels for the business, such as social media, email marketing, or search engine optimization (SEO).
  2. Developing a content marketing strategy that includes creating a content calendar, identifying key topics, and determining the best formats for content.
  3. Setting up and managing digital advertising campaigns, including targeting the right audience, setting budgets, and optimizing ads for best performance.

Market research and analysis

Any business must understand the market. A marketing coordinator conducts thorough market research to gather data about customer preferences, competitors, and industry trends. They analyze this data to provide insights that can inform business decisions. This might involve:

  1. Conducting surveys or focus groups to gather direct feedback from the target audience about their preferences and needs.
  2. Analyzing competitor strategies to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.
  3. Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and changes to understand how they might impact the business and its marketing strategy.

Customer engagement and retention

Marketing consulters can help businesses engage with their customers effectively. They might develop customer engagement strategies for the digital marketing game, such as:

  1. Creating an email marketing sequence that provides valuable content to customers and encourages them to interact with the business.
  2. Developing a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers and encourages them to continue doing business with the company.
  3. Implementing a social media strategy that encourages customers to engage with the brand, such as by sharing content or participating in contests, can be further enhanced by utilizing AI voice cloning and video generators to create personalized and dynamic content that resonates with the audience.

Performance tracking and reporting

Marketing consultants track the performance of marketing campaigns to determine their effectiveness. They use various tools to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) and provide reports on these metrics to a marketing manager, marketing director, or even a CEO. 

A marketing consultant may businesses understand the return on their marketing investment across industries and make informed decisions about future marketing efforts. Marketing consultants work on, e.g.:

  1. Using Google Analytics or other analytics tools to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates.
  2. Monitoring social media engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, and LinkedIn comments, to measure the effectiveness of social media ads.
  3. Providing regular reports to the business that detail the performance of marketing activities and provide recommendations for improvement.

Note: Marketing consultants cannot imagine their work without an appropriate project management tool. With such solutions as Allfred, they can easily analyze the project progress and distribute the resources accordingly (e.g., to prevent any backlogs).

Tracking and reporting marketing consultant work progress on Allfred dashboard.

Training and team collaboration

Marketing consultants often work closely with a business’s marketing team. They might provide training on new marketing techniques or tools, collaborate with team members on marketing projects, and offer guidance and support to help the team achieve its goals. Marketing consultancy here might involve:

  1. Conducting workshops or training sessions to teach the marketing team about strategies or marketing tools.
  2. Collaborating with the team on specific marketing projects, such as developing a marketing or advertising template or creating a content marketing tactics set.
  3. Providing ongoing guidance and support to the team, such as by offering feedback on their work and helping them overcome challenges.

📚 Do you want to learn more about managing marketing teams? Here are some tips to help you: The Secrets to Successful All-in-One Management in Creative Agencies

What qualifications does a Marketing Consultant need? 

To excel in their field, a marketing consultant should possess a combination of formal education, practical skills, and innate talent. Let’s take a deeper dive into the qualifications that are typically expected of a marketing consultant.

Graphics related to marketing consultant responsibilities and qualifications.

Essential skills

While there’s no strict rulebook for becoming a marketing consultant, certain skills are most desired and provide a solid foundation.

  • Analytical Skills: A knack for interpreting data is crucial. Marketing consultants need to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and campaign performance to inform their strategies.
  • Creativity: Marketing is as much an art as it is a science. Creativity is key to developing innovative marketing strategies and solving complex problems.
  • Communication Skills: Whether it’s presenting a marketing plan to a client or writing compelling marketing copy, strong communication skills are a must.
  • Project Management: Marketing consultants often juggle multiple projects at once. Skills in project management help them stay organized, meet deadlines, and deliver results.


There is no good marketing consultant without an experience in different fields. The marketer needs to be familiar with the following areas to advise their clients well.

  • Industry Experience: Understanding the ins and outs of a specific industry can be a major asset. Having years of experience up their sleeves allows the consultant to provide more relevant and effective marketing advice.
  • Marketing Experience: Hands-on experience in various aspects of marketing—from digital advertising to content creation—can enhance a consultant’s expertise and credibility.
  • Success Stories: A track record of successful marketing campaigns can speak volumes about a consultant’s qualifications. It shows potential clients that the consultant can deliver results.

Educational background

Despite the fact that many marketing positions are filled by people without specific marketing qualifications, degrees in these disciplines are a distinct advantage.

  • Degree in Marketing or Business: Many marketing consultants hold a bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, or a related field. These programs often cover essential topics like market research, consumer behavior, or marketing analysis.
  • Master’s Degree or MBA: Some marketing consultants choose to further their education with a master’s degree or an MBA. Specializing in marketing at this level can provide a deeper understanding of advanced marketing concepts and strategies.
  • Certifications: Various professional certifications can enhance a marketing consultant’s credibility. For example, certifications in digital marketing, SEO, or Google Ads can demonstrate a consultant’s expertise in these areas.

Allfred – how can it help digital marketing consultants? 

Allfred is a comprehensive workflow platform designed to streamline operations for ad agencies and marketing consultants. Here’s how it can be a game-changer for marketing consultants:

First: Guided process management

Allfred provides a single environment that guides users through the ideal process. From budgeting and resource planning to project management, it automates various aspects of a marketing consultant’s workflow. This can be a real lifesaver, helping them stay organized, manage their time more effectively, and make sure nothing falls through the cracks!

Second: Streamlined team collaboration

With Allfred, team members can collaborate more efficiently. The platform provides a centralized space where everyone involved in a project can stay updated on the project’s progress, share ideas, and coordinate their efforts. Including this can make for better teamwork and higher-quality work overall – a win-win situation!

An example of streamlining marketing team collaboration through Allfred dashboard.

Then: Data-driven decision making

Allfred gathers all agency data in one place, making it easier for marketing consultants to analyze this data and make informed decisions. Providing insights into the performance of marketing campaigns, budget allocation, and resource utilization, Allfred can help consultants optimize their strategies and deliver better results for their clients.

Last but not least: Enhanced efficiency

With automating various tasks and processes (even invoicing!), Allfred can significantly enhance efficiency. This can free up more time for marketing consultants to focus on strategic planning, creative work, and other high-value tasks. As a result, they can deliver more value to their clients and achieve their marketing goals more effectively.

Do Marketing Consultants work full-time? 

Full-time doesn’t even begin to cover it. They work in dog years. For every human hour, they put in seven. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!

For real, though, marketers usually have the flexibility to set their own schedules. While many do work full-time, they often have the freedom to choose when and where they work. 

Others can be fractional Heads of Content or Marketing. 

This could mean traditional office hours, late-night brainstorming sessions, or weekend strategy planning. It’s all about delivering results and meeting client needs, whether that takes 40 hours a week or more. 

Marketing Consultant job description template (Bonus!)

Marketing consultant job description template.

If you’re looking for a marketing consultant in your company, use this template and customize it to fit the specific needs of your business and the role you’re hiring for.

Become a marketing consultant and develop your marketing skills with Allfred

Happy days! Now, with Allfred, marketers can make more informed decisions and become better at their craft. Our platform will assist you in mastering the latest industry trends, honing your skills, and staying up-to-date on the ever-changing marketing landscape. With our help, you’ll be able to achieve your professional goals faster and easier than ever. How about you give us a go?